Two Minute Questions

question - something unexpected
question what if fear was not a factor
question - what it you won the lottery
question what was your aha moment
question - what excites you
question - post on giant billboard
Question - what do you succeed more easily than others
Question - what are your 3 biggest priorities
Question - -what would make this day wonderful?
Question - which mentor would you choose
question - what habit have you developed
Question - in which situations would you like to be more courageous
question - what is the best advice that someone gave you
Question - What is your current wish
Question - what is your life motto
Question - what are you proud of
Question - When did you something for the first time
Question - Who are your role models
Question - What skill would you like to hava
question - what are your values
Question - Would you leave your country
Question - Advice to your younger self
question - what topic could you talk about for hours
question what story inspired you
question - who make the rules
question - what gives you energy
question - which item would you not replace
question - what is your next step
question - what are you better at today
question - what do you like about your surrounding
question - 3 goods things today
question what are you waiting for