Collecting inspirations

#somethinginspiring is the code word that my colleague and I always put in the subject line when we met for a coffee break. During these breaks we exchanged ideas about our latest experiences, whether new, funny or creative ... everything that has inspired us. The enthusiasm almost always spread to the other. Our stories inspired us to try similar things or we just got new perspectives or additional ideas.

Some thoughts were fleeting, others lasted longer. Some ideas were implemented immediately, others were further elaborated, some were discarded and some are still stewing in the unconscious kitchen of ideas. We discussed a wide variety of topics: personal experiences, music, shares, creativity, home reorganization, traveling, business, self-development ... and good mood was the side effect.

Then this “C … you know what I mean” made us take a break. Cafes were closed and the office turned into a home office. Our inspiring exchanges became less. However, surprisingly I got a new source of inspiration. 

At the beginning of these special times I quickly realized that sitting on a kitchen chair was not really beneficial for my health. So I decided to go for a walk every day during my lunch time in order to prevent impending back pain. As an former couch potato, it was pretty clear to me that working from home office would result in less exercise, which was already on a low level. 

And yeah, it it turned out to be a game changer! There hasn't been a day in months where I didn´t go for a walk outside. Since that seemed pretty boring to me at first, I decided to listen to audio books and podcasts. It was really one of my best ideas! There is so much cool stuff to listen to! Inspiring and so much fun!! 

The interruption by the stroll automatically loosens the mind. And while listening to audiobooks at home hardly succeeds (I usually fall asleep) - you can concentrate wonderfully on the content while walking. You can learn something new or soak up additional ideas along the way. 

I noticed how my mood improved while walking. The change of perspective often takes place automatically. Sometimes I watch me grinning broadly while listening, which may seem weird to strangers passing by - but who cares ;)

In fact I am not alone with my new entertainment as walking seems to be the new trend. „Why look into the distance?“ Goethe wrote already over 200 years ago. And yes, there ARE lots of things to be discovered in your neighborhood.

I think these times turn out to be a chance to appreciate the small things which often seem to be self-evident. To discover what is often overlooked and deserves a closer inspection. There are curiosities to marvel at that are otherwise ignored if you just drive by. Walking also brings you closer to nature again: gardens are slowly turning into blooming landscapes, squirrels, birds ... all that can be witnessed around you if you take the time.

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Creativity often arises from scarcity. When the big toys are taken away from you, then you start creating your playground with what is available. In the end it turns out that wasn't always the worse pastime.
So, if you are not yet one of the new generation of urban strollers, my recommendation: You should definitely try it out!

But where to put all the new thoughts, impressions and ideas? Thoughts are fleeting and should be put on (digital) paper if you want to remember them. The brain is not good at storing things.

My solution: In this digital place I´d like to create some kind of personal collection of inspirations. Writing helps me to structure ideas or develop them further. Some things I learned really helped me - so I´d like to share them. Maybe some points are also interesting for you?

P.S., to my colleague: 

Hi Nena! #smthngnsprng!! Ohhh, I am really so excited to tell you about this new collection-blog-project! I guess I can pretty well imagine what you will say (actually I can “see” your face right now! ;) #somethingnew! And yes, it doesn't matter if its maybe goofy or pretty ridiculous. … it´s just a new game and that´s what makes it inspiring. Just play, enjoy and watch what happens next ;)


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