… more inspiration, please!
Stories. Perspektiven. Aha-Momente.
Wer besser versteht, kann besser handeln
The better you understand, the better you can act
Fragen zum Nachdenken: Die drei Kompass-Fragen
Warum sich selbst reflektieren? Je besser wir uns kennen, desto besser und zielführender können wir unser Leben gestalten. Hier findest du wegweisende Fragen zum Nachdenken. Deine Antworten darauf werden dir wichtige Hinweise geben.
Is that so?
Often we cannot see the big picture, but at the same time we feel that we have fully grasped the situation. We don't always act rationally because our brain tends to make mistakes. How can we reflect on ourselves and become more objective?
"Is it so?" can help you stay open and more objective.
“And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be crazy,
by those who could not hear the music.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche