The aha moment of the scanner-personality

Scanners are generalists, universalists and are also called multi-passionates. Often they are autodidacts who live by the motto „learning by doing“.
And scanners are often seekers - especially if they don't yet know that they are scanners. They are looking for their ONE passion and are often irritated by their own volatility. They sometimes feel overwhelmed by their many ideas, which in turn leads to indecision and paralysis. Scanners can often feel weird and disconnected because they do not understand their own behavior.

I remember when I stumbled upon the scanner description (as a note, there are different versions of scanner personalities). Hey, is that it?! Ohh, it really could be!
I can´t explain it exactly, but it felt like a pretty amazing aha-moment, and somehow it felt good. Finally, there was a kind of explanation that makes sense for me, something that could tie everything together. I felt understood. It seemed like a missing piece of the puzzle.

Since then I did some research about this topic in the never-ending universe of the world-wide-web. What I found most exciting was the reaction that people described when they first encountered the scanner theory. It sounded a lot like mine. There was often a real WOW effect.

This is how others describe their AHA experience (noted accordingly):

  • „During an exam preparation in which my activity was only focused on studying, I noticed that I felt unhappy and depressed. While doing some research I stumbled upon an article on scanners that reported how unhappy a one-sided occupation made this type of people. That became my aha- moment. I instantly felt better because I understood and then I could react. I realized that I wanted to graduate and that I wanted to work in this job. However, I realized that my goal was to do GOOD work and not to be the best in the world in this field. I, therefore "limited" my business goals to provide a balance to my other interests. I realized that my other interests were important for me as well, even though they didn't make any money”.

  • Another scanner receives the decisive hint via Instagram. Her reaction: "Something wonderful has happened.“ She had never heard of scanners before and was thrilled. She describes it as the „great moment that opened her eyes“. Finally, she had found an explanation for her myriad ideas and the volatility and confused thoughts.

  • "It was only when I stumbled across this life-changing book of Barbara Sher.. that pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place - and suddenly I didn't feel so rubbish for simultaneously wanting different things.“

  • “The most important thing was to realize that I am a scanner and that it is okay to change my ideas like others changing their underwear. Now I know it's ok, because that's how I am wired - and I think it's great”.

  • “I almost fell off my chair, the description applied exactly to me. I never knew why I couldn't find that one thing. But now that it doesn`t matter and that I can do as many things as I want."

  • "I thought something was wrong with me, now I'm relieved“.

  • Marie Forleo describes herself as a "multi-passionate entrepreneur". In her book "Everything is figureoutable" she also reports on her search for this one passion. She tried various jobs, but always after a while she felt "This still isn't YOU. .. that`s not what you are supposed to be doing with your life ". She described her thoughts as follows: “What`s wrong with me?” “Am I just not able to focus?”, “What if I am wasting my other talents? Why can’t I just pick one thing to focus on like everybody else?“…

    She read lots of books to find an answer but there was always the same advice: choose a niche… Marie writes that she felt like being a resident of the island of misfit toys, which is an island of all the unwanted toys from the story of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. She felt that she didn't fit in the normal world. Then suddenly she got it - and she describes when she heard this phrase "multi-passionate entrepreneur" the first time in her head - for her it was transformative. That was it. This description gave her a new context and she saw herself in a new light - and all this led to new opportunities. These words „multi-passionate entrepreneur“ helped her to stop trying to fit into a conventional career box and gave her emotional freedom to „spread her misfit wings and fly“.

Conclusion: Not just for scanners - It´s always enlightening and valuable to realize your nature. Because only then you can follow it. Because only then you can change things that are not right for you.
I believe this is the main point: Living in your element and adapting your surroundings accordingly.
So what to do when you think you are a scanner? How to deal with your scanner nature? —> Useful tips & ideas for the scanner personality

General thoughts on being a scanner:
—> On being a scanner
—> German Version

Inspiring (Youtube-) Videos:
Inspiring Videos

✶ Refuse to Choose! (Barbara Sher)
✶ I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was (Barbara Sher)
✶ It’s Only Too Late If You Don’t Start Now (Barbara Sher)
✶ Everything is figureoutable (Marie Forleo)
—> Book Collection


Useful ideas for the scanner personality


On being a scanner